Sunday, February 2, 2025


 What is objective based instruction?

An instructional objective is a specific and immediate goal attainable as a result of Instruction.

The instruction which is aimed to attain the pre-determined objectives is known as objective based instruction,

Advantages of objective based Instruction

1. It gives direction to the teachers and helps them to take wise decisions.

2. It helps the curriculum planners to decide in advance, the matter to be included In the curriculum and the scope to be envisaged regarding it's transactions.

3. Objectives aid in evaluation which in turn helps in refining objectives.

4. The effort of the teacher is made more specific and concrete.

5. It makes instruction-out put oriented and hence helps to maximize the output of learning, normally development of desirable changes.

Thus the process of instruction helps to achieve certain immediate goals which leads the learner nearer to the ultimate goal of education. These objectives are attainable as a result of classroom teaching,

Objectives serves as a foundation for meaningful and effective teaching. The teacher knows what his pupil will do or how they will behave after the classroom instruction is over. Thus the objectives makes teaching goal oriented and purposeful. This is called objective based approach to instruction.

Teacher should clearly define his objectives

Appropriate learning experience must be provided for attaining the objectives

Degree of realization of objective can be evaluated in terms of behavioural change produced. ie evaluation of learning objectives gained from learning activities as part of instruction.

Thus the objective serves as the basis for planning learning activities resulting in learning experience as well as for evaluating the quality of learning achieved.

Education is an objective oriented triangular process.

The interrelationship of the three may be represented as

  • Learning experience (L) is based on objective (O)
  • Objectives (O)  get clarified by learning experience (L)
  • Evaluation (E) is based on objectives (O)
  • Objectives (O) get clarified by evaluation (E) (Attainment)
  • Evaluation (E) gives evidence on learning experience (L) (effectiveness of learning)
  • Learning experience (L) gives hint to the nature of situation for evaluation (E) 

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